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March 15 2012
At the onset of lactation, metabolic adaption mechanisms for calcium are not rapid enough; cows need a day or two to maximize calcium flows from the intestinal tract and bone to the mammary gland
March 14 2012
Optimism was in the air as three robotic milking dairy producers took the stage at a panel concluding today’s Tri-State Robotic Milking Seminar in Belmont, Wis. The meeting gave a background
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March 5 2012
Pete Heffering, one of the most visionary animal breeders the world has ever known, passed away on March 3, at the age of 80. Not only did Heffering win the coveted Klussendorf and Curtis Clark Awards...
March 1 2012
"Negative 500 and positive 500 average out to 0. Genomics enables you to look for the inferior calves that can pull your average down and move your progress backward," noted Pat Hoffman, a dairy replacement...
Feb. 22 2012
We attended the Illinois Agricultural Communications Symposium last week, organized in honor of the University of Illinois Ag Communications' 50-year anniversary. The daylong event started off with a...
Feb. 16 2012
Patriotism shined bright at the Ag Warriors Gala at World Ag Expo in Tulare, Calif., last evening. It marked the official launch of the International Agri-Center's Ag Warriors Program which will benefit...
Feb. 12 2012
Milkfat depression (MFD) has a major economic impact in the dairy industry. “The current train of thought links MFD with the formation of bioactive trans fatty acid intermediates produced from...
Feb. 1 2012
Gordie Jones, D.V.M., kept a crowd curious with the ideas he developed over the years, all in the name of improving life for the dairy cow. Cows turn right easier than they can turn left. Cows move faster...
Jan. 31 2012
Recent studies show drinking milk enhances the cognitive brain activity of dairy consumers. We've heard the time-tested slogan "Milk, it does a body good!" Well, new research from the University of Maine...
Jan. 30 2012
Demand was so strong for the cover crop that seed inventory sold-out last year. "I conducted my initial research on cover crops and literally had to beg to get on agenda's at crop meetings," recalled University...
Jan. 26 2012
"Alfalfa and grass aren't the same, but they can be complementary to each other," noted Jim Paulson with the University of Minnesota. Paulson along with Paul Peterson, University of Minnesota, shared...
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Jan. 25 2012
"Agriculture has been insulated from the forces battering the general economy. I expect that to continue in the coming year," says the University of Wisconsin Madison's economist Bruce Jones at the University's...
Jan. 19 2012
Yesterday, we again had the pleasure of hearing Ken Nordlund, D.V.M., speak on the Transition Cow Index (TCI) patented by the University of Wisconsin
Jan. 16 2012
Betty Thompson grew up on a Jersey farm in Oklahoma. Miss Thompson earned the title of Miss Oklahoma several months ago and competed this weekend in the Miss America competition. She is a senior at Oklahoma...
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Jan. 13 2012
Judith Capper accepts key position at U.K. equivalent of Dairy Management, Inc. The Washington State University researcher, who brought facts and widespread attention to the declining size of the carbon...
Jan. 9 2012
A 16° drop slows bacterial regrowth. A temperature reduction of 16° F may not seem like a big deal. But, such a reduction, as researchers with Cornell University's Milk Quality Improvement Program...
Jan. 4 2012
I saw a story a several years ago about the America Needs Farmers campaign launched by the University of Iowa in 1985. At the time, Iowa was ranked number one in college football, beat number two Michigan...
Dec. 15 2011
Will dairies with meat residue violations also have antibiotic residues in their bulk tanks? In an attempt to answer this question, in 2012, the FDA will relaunch its program to test for antibiotic residues...
Dec. 1 2011
Twenty years ago, a room full of farmers talking about land prices wouldn't have surprised anyone. But what about a room full of investors? On November 15, we attended the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago's...
Nov. 21 2011
Hilmar Cheese recently was awarded a Certificate of Merit in the Corporate Communications category by the Central Valley (California) Public Relations Organization. The 50-foot-long exhibit at the plant's...